I have learnt a lot from my time at Cobb PR, in only 8 days I’ve managed to drink about 80 cups of tea, which has taught me the team here love their caffeine. As well as that, I’ve managed to take away useful tips in regards to looking after clients and completing tasks to a set schedule. Time management is one of the key aspects that I will take away from this experience. As Victoria knows, I like to be on time with everything anyway, so shout out to my mum for dropping me here every morning. In addition to being on time, keeping up with all the tasks set and learning to plan towards deadlines will keep your work in order and being organised will impress your line manager.
Interning for a company like Cobb PR has broadened my knowledge of the field and has made me confident to dive into tasks I would be afraid of doing. On my first day, when Victoria asked me to write a press release, I thought she was joking. What I’ve learnt most is to take every opportunity, even the daunting ones because you never know you could be really good at it (not tooting my own horn) plus, as an intern, no one is expecting you to know everything. Asking questions is the best way to learn and also network with the team/get in on office banter.
Researching is the most important advice I could give from this experience. Before any meetings or any tasks that your line manager sets you, its extremely important to go into it with some background knowledge and be prepared to voice your thoughts and opinions. I was lucky enough to assist Victoria to a meeting outside of the office with a client, who funnily enough I knew when we arrived (small world). Working alongside Victoria over the last few days, gave me the confidence to share my ideas in meetings and can also benefit the client, especially if you’ve researched them and can hit them with an impressive statistic to back your opinion. This will show how much effort you’ve put into researching the topic of discussion. Any advice is good advice.
My university told me to go for something challenging when looking for a placement and reminded us to push ourselves with what we choose. I can now say I did just that. However, I didn’t realise I’d enjoy it as much as I have and I’m glad I jumped at every opportunity. From asking thousands of questions to the time where I got their names wrong, the team at Cobb were so helpful and made me feel welcome throughout my whole experience.
A big thanks to Victoria and the Cobb team!