Cobb PR and The Let’s Do Business Group have won a contract to relaunch Locate East Sussex, the one-stop shop designed to attract new business investment in the county.
The Lets Do Business Group, the leading provider of business advice, training, access to finance and business events in the South East, won an East Sussex County Council tender to manage the scheme and chose Cobb PR to manage the marketing.
A partnership of the East Sussex local authorities is investing to help develop Locate East Sussex and its role to promote the county as a superb hub for start-up and existing companies and to encourage local employment growth.
A brand new Locate East Sussex website is under development and associated marketing activity will use the latest communications channels to highlight the advantages offered by East Sussex to businesses.
The Locate campaign will promote local funding schemes, outline the trading sectors best served by East Sussex and raise awareness of the countys superb lifestyle opportunities.
Crucially, the website will offer users a sophisticated search engine, powered by agents, to quickly identify available commercial properties.
A new Location Services Director has already been appointed and will be joined by three further colleagues in the coming months who will support businesses looking to move to, or within the county.
The new Locate team will be working closely with commercial agents across Sussex, to ensure users of the service have access to the latest information and advice.
Graham Marley, Chief Executive of Lets Do Business Group, said: We are delighted to have won the contract to deliver the Inward Investment service in the county, which not only marks the Lets Do Business Group out as the leading provider of business support in the county, but also a major deliverer of local and national government contracts.
Working closely with our colleagues at Cobb PR, our objective is to raise the profile of East Sussex as a place to do business to encourage existing businesses to stay and to grow, and working with new potential investors to move into the area.
With increased resources for the Locate East Sussex service, and new grant schemes that will come on stream later in the year the county is really open for business.
Tim Cobb, Managing Director of Cobb PR, added: As a locally-based business, I know how much East Sussex has to offer. We will be using our superb local knowledge and connections to ensure an enhanced profile of Locate East Sussex is high among our target audiences.
Locate East Sussex is funded by a partnership of East Sussex County Council, Eastbourne Borough Council, Wealden District Council, Rother District Council, Lewes District Council and Hastings Borough Council.
Further details can be found on the existing Locate East Sussex website,
GRAHAMMARLEYMATTADAMSTIMCOBB (2) Graham Marley, The Let’s Do Business Group with Matt Adams & Tim Cobb, Cobb PR